About us

Discover who we are

The NOÉ team

At NOÉ, we’re proud to have a dedicated and talented team working behind the scenes to revolutionize the way literature reviews are conducted. Our team is made up of passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by a common goal: to make literature review processes faster, more efficient and accessible to everyone.

Our goals

Accelerating clinical evaluation with artificial intelligence

Save time

Our main objective is to help our customers save time by offering efficient, automated solutions. We aim to simplify processes, reduce repetitive tasks and optimize operations for greater productivity and optimal use of resources.

Empower your employees

We are committed to providing tools and technologies that empower your people. Our aim is to strengthen skills, foster collaboration and enable everyone to make a significant contribution to the company's success.

Fostering digital transformation

We aspire to be a key partner in your digital transformation journey. Our aim is to introduce innovative solutions, modernize traditional processes and optimize the customer experience through cutting-edge technologies.

The NOÉ team

Bopha Suybeng

CEO & Founder

Florian Buchheit

Developer & Data scientist

Massinissa ATMANI

Data scientist ML & NLP

They trust us

Do you want to boost your literature review?

Essayez NOE : Votre outil de revue de la littérature médicale !​

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